Faculty Involvement

To become involved in Writing Across the Curriculum as an instructor, contact us. Participating instructors agree to several conditions of involvement, which include requiring students to write two to three major assignments and participating in the annual program assessment.

Faculty who would like a writing consultant assigned to their classes submit a request for the following semester.

Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Richmond aims to:

  • Provide students with supplementary peer writing instruction
  • Utilize models of proven and effective writing theory and pedagogy
  • Provide consultants with current theoretical and pedagogical composition tools, strengthen their effective interpersonal skills, and create opportunities to share their writing skills with others
  • Emphasize the importance of "writing as process" and "writing to learn"
  • Use relevant technology in the writing process and encourage the interdisciplinary use of such technology when appropriate and permitted by instructors
  • Improve student writing across the disciplines, providing instructors with papers that are more satisfying to read and students throughout the disciplines with stronger written communication skills