WAC & Writing Center Assignments

Professor Course Consultants
Brannon McDaniel PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophical Problems and Arguments (2 sections) Annie Waters & Alfie Price
Bruce Matthews First-Year Student Athlete Study Hall Hallie Scholl, John Abbott, Brooke Gainey, Ella Culotta & Arielle Ragals
Craig Kocher FYS Faith and Difference in America Sam Chanenson
Dana Jackson FYS Banned in the USA Gigi Cestari
Elizabeth Outka Eng 230 Women in Modern Literature (2 sections) Sarah Noorbakhsh, Katie Schultz, Avery Moore & Kristen Rake
Jennifer Bowie FYS Rights of the Criminally Accused (2 sections) Alexandra Hall
Joanna Drell History 225 Medieval Italy Caleb Silvergleid
Karen Kochel & Kristjen Lundberg Psychology Senior Thesis Projects Marissa Burton
Kathleen Skerrett FYS Loss and Remains (2 sections)

Anna Phillips & Chrissy Bertrand

Kathleen Skerrett WGSS 365 Gender, Sex, and Law Chrissy Bertrand
Kitty Maynard FYS Ever After: The Literary Lives of Fairy Tales Ruby Nguyen
Kurt Beals FYS Lost in Translation Cady Cummins
Laura Kuti FYS Say What? Exploring Second Language Acquisition Cady Cummins
Lidia Radi FYS Friendship, Love, and Desire Emi Iguchi
Michelle Kahn HIST 199 Remembering the Holocaust in Today's Germany (SSIR) Emma McWilliams
Mimi Hanaoka FYS Sports and Religion in America (2 sections) Kylynn Diggs
Mimi Hanaoka FYS Left After Death Ava Scott
Monti Datta PLSC 250 Introduction to International Relations Annie Clarkson
Rhiannon Graybill REL 201 (2 Sections) Maya Casillas
Rick Mayes FYS Global Studies & Public Policy Lily Kaufman
Rick Mayes HS 200 Medical Humanities (SSIR) Chloe Fandetti
Stephen Long PLSC 250 Huntley Pzzarelli
Tracy Roof FYS Health Care Policy and Politics in the U.S. and Around the World Lindsay Kramer
Tze M Loo HIST 199 The Tokyo Trials Maya Casillas

Abroad or Unavailable

Aine Macdermott, Braden Wixted, Morgan Knoop, Emma Beardsley, MacKenzie Proukou, Sasha Hanson