Consultant Training & Resources
- WLC Consultant Portal: Sign in here to view schedules and complete necessary consulting tasks.
- Workday training videos: Reviewing how to enter paid time and find the link to sign in to Workday.
- Newly hired? Here are the steps needed before beginning paid work.
- The Art of Good Commentary: standards and examples for preparing commentary on student drafts.
- The Art of Remote Conferences: the pandemic shifted our work dramatically, but this guide shows how to meet, greet, and assist writers in person or online.
- Richmond's Student Center for Equity and Inclusion: Consultants requested more training for DEI issues, and we have an excellent local site to improve our work with all writers.
- Richmond's Disability Services: providing full participation and equal access to campus resources for all in our campus community.
- 383 Syllabus: The semester-long class for training all writing consultants at Richmond. The link will take you to our class Google Site.
Blogs & Online Handbooks
- Richmond Writing reports program news, Words of the Week, and Metaphors of the Month. We welcome you as readers and if you would like to write for our blog, contact Dr. Joe Essid for more information.
- Writer's Web: A free, public-access handbook designed and maintained by Dr. Joe Essid. Writing Consultants have contributed many of the materials and help to update the site.
- Purdue OWL: One of the world's most comprehensive online resources for writers.
Writing Instruction & Tutoring
- Connecting Writers Across Borders: A Blog of WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship.
- WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship
- The Peer Review: An open-access journal of writing center research & praxis.
- Southeastern Writing Center Association Virginia Chapter